Pandora, and boxes left unopened

I don’t want to be hopeful. I really don’t. Last Presidential election I voted for the first woman candidate. She was vastly qualified, superbly composed and having a woman in The White House too long delayed. I was proud to vote for her no matter how you looked at it. And her competitor was a clown. I was sure of her victory.

And here we are, 2020. I don’t feel safe in any feelings of certainty. I’m worried that this year's results may set in stone a lifetime of negative attitude I have about the average person. I’ve fought against my inner negative voice, my whole life I have had the opinion that people are selfish, angry and hate filled animals. I’ve worked hard to combat against that instinct because I want to hope people are more that this. I want to be a species worth saving and worth living. Another four years of this will make it hard to fight against those impulses. A landslide either way will be the difference between giving in totally to nihilism or overcoming this personal challenge.

Then you see the lines of people out voting. And the support they are recieving. So many stories of people bringing truck loads of water. Food trucks showing up and serving out free meals. Communities coming together to help ensure people are heard. Unlike the gun toting thugs waving mega hats and threatening people with their rolling “Trump Trains”, these voter support teams aren’t asking any questions about your political alignment. They don’t want to know who you are voting for.

They are donating their time, labor and money to make sure their neighbors get to vote.
I don’t want to be hopeful, because I remember how painful November 4th, 2016 was. I remember going to work and seeing, hearing, the fear from my employees. My business was half women. We had one woman here on a green card still working towards citizenship. They where right to be afraid. After four years under Trump we've watched our country become hostile towards people of color, immigrants and women. The line between democracy and tyranny has eroded to a razors edge.

And yet, on this cusp of another election day, I am accidentally hopeful that my fellow Americans see what has happened to their friends, coworkers… their fellow humans… and they are going to rise up and do what it takes to bring safety and hope back to our country. They are going to turn out in record breaking numbers. They are going to exercise the firm and most powerful tool in our democracy.

Will Joe Biden solve all of our problems? No. The office of President isn’t that powerful. Be glad for that. Imagine what damage could have been done under Trump if it had the power most people believe it does. Will Joe Biden try to make all of our children safer? Yes. Because he is a genuinely good man with a good heart and a tonne of solid practical experience. He will move the needle back the right direction.

Vote, if you haven’t already. Vote. And I beg you to please vote blue.