More Keepers of the Shield

More Keepers of the Shield

In a conversation with one of my closest friends, they described to me a new Netflix show. In it, the superhero have somehow disappeared. Maybe taken captive, maybe murdered. I don’t know. Their children though, also tween and teen supers were put on the front lines to fight for the survival of our species. Or something like this.

The point is that we culturally don’t object to the type of fiction where children are put into war. It’s gross. He was right about his point.

Fast forward a week or so, a Georgia runoff election and a day later, and it’s very clear that we do have a problem. Today I feel like this show is just a mirror to our own real world depraved disregard for endangering young people.

In the middle of evacuating the joint session yesterday, while the doors were being barricaded and the elected officials were cowing in corners and running for the bunker, it was the youngest people in the building that thought to safeguard our Republic. It was the young women shown in this photo that had the instinct to safeguard the electoral college votes.

I know these are ceremonial. I know we could have reprinted and gone on. However it would have delayed things further. Worse, it would have allowed these to reach the hands of people literally trying to steal an election by tyrannical force. It would have emboldened these traitors. As much as they won yesterday, this might have made things far worse.

I’m guessing at their age when I say this: In that fictional world of superheroes, the kids were around 12 years of age. Maybe there is a difference between 12 and 22, maybe enough to matter to some. For the old people in the room to leave the work of literally safeguarding our nation to the youth, well, that is just par for the course I guess.

So if Stacey Abrams is my pick for current holder of the Captain America shield, these six young adults are standing with her.

Thank you, unknown civil servants. I hope someone recognizes your work publicly so we can celebrate this moment.

My original source for this image: