Justice, not yet done

Brock Turner, that smarmy shit covered bag of dicks, is a rapist. His dad is an entitled asshole. And the judge overseeing the case is a negligent poocanoe.

Brock’s victim though; she is brave. She is strong. And she overcame the worst examples of our legal system this side of “unarmed PoC shot to death by cops that are never prosecuted”. She also has a book coming out.


We should all buy a copy. Why? First that helps make sure Brock Turner stays on the public mind and that people don’t forget that he is a rapist.

Second... it would make her firlthy rich. Money won’t take back the harm he caused. It won’t soften the memories or ease the burdens she experienced at the hands of an ugly legal system... but it does buy Hellcats or Camaro’s... and that leads to at least a little joy in a sea of ugly.