A GNU way of speaking

The "GNU Kind Communications Guidelines" is the sort of document you wouldn't expect someone deep into the depth of modern software to produce, but Richard Stallman doesn't care about expectations. He simply believes in working together as a community to solve problems. He is perhaps one of the most influential people in the world, and yet I bet almost nobody knows who he is.

There have been some recent big discussions about shitty interpersonal behavior online within Open Source projects. The founder and leader of Linux, Linux Torvalds recently stepped down (and then back up) in order to focus on empathy and less destructive communication mechanisms. This is on the heels of decades of industry boys-clubism that is toxic to most men AND ALL WOMEN.

It is a system I have found to be purely exclusionary. It serves no other purpose. The best developers I have worked with are not the Linus Torvalds of the world, but rather the Grace Hoppers. Recognizing healthy communications strategies to improve inclusion is recognizing that we have a problem, we want to fix it and we are trying.

I find the entire "GNUKCG" to be full of SOLID advice, developer or non-developer. Give it a read.

And in hindsight, I was wrong. This is EXACTLY the kind of document a person like Stallman would create.